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My Anti Wrinkles Treatment Story

Mon histoire du Botox à Paris 8 - Dr Hayot, chirurgien esthétique

At the end of the 1980s, when I was a young Head of Clinic at the Quinze-Vingts Hospital, I had to treat several different ocuplastic conditions and disorders such as blepharospasm.

This neurological-sourced disorder is characterized by the presence of spasms of the orbicularis muscle. Back then, we were looking for a way to calm the hyperactivity of the muscle so that these spasms would stop and, as such, treat all the patients suffering from this disorder in the best possible way.

The first breakthrough was made by Dr. Alastair Carruthers, a Canadian ophthalmologist by trade who discovered what Anti Wrinkles Treatment® did and the paralysing effect it had on the muscle. His wife, a dermatologist, tested the product as one of these treatments that were supposed to improve the skin. She realized that this product injected into the eyelid of a patient suffering from blepharospasm had made her crow’s feet wrinkles go away. Both of them came to the conclusion that the injections of Anti Wrinkles Treatment reduced wrinkles significantly.

Little unknown in the profession, but hoping to make headway in my research for qualities I could attribute to this product, I set out for Canada myself to be trained by a few pioneers of the time.

A few months later, back in France, I had gained enough knowledge on Anti Wrinkles Treatment® to be able to start using it in aesthetic medicine and became aware of my desire to make it my living and my speciality.

Very quickly, I became a doctor-trainer for my colleagues and began working as a Anti Wrinkles Treatment® medical consultant for the Laboratoires Allergan®. Gradually, over time, this major laboratory, initially specialized in treating ophthalmological disorders, began to focus on several medical fields such as dermatology and aesthetic (cosmetic) surgery.

The beginnings for Anti Wrinkles Treatment® injections in aesthetic medicine were quite difficult. The product, often badly dosed or badly injected, led to “frozen” foreheads. The first Anti Wrinkles Treatment® supplied by the laboratories had the advantage of eliminating the wrinkles totally but would leave faces inexpressive: eyebrows that were too high and patients displaying an expression of surprise on their faces.

Over the months and years and by dint of using it, I learnt to handle the product and to inject it with greater precision. I observed that the Anti Wrinkles Treatment® didn’t just neutralize the muscle hyperactivity but by treating the cause of the wrinkle, ensured that the cutaneous break would also disappear. As more and more patients were treated, I realized that skin lost all memory of this break and that the wrinkle disappeared totally. This product appeared to me as the revolutionary anti-aging treatment.

Farewell frontal lifts and scalped, tightly-stretched, bruised foreheads. Farewell heavy aesthetic surgery that denatured the face and betrayed a recent operation. Anti Wrinkles Treatment® quickly became the backup solution for rejuvenation that remained invisible. A less-risky, safer, lighter and non-permanent solution, a solution in line with modern-day demands.

Today, product dosage and concentrations have become more precise. I inject superficially so as to never leave a face static and I manage to obtain the effect of a real face-lift without surgery.

After 25 years of experience, we now, at long last, have enough hindsight to declare that the Anti Wrinkles Treatment produces no known side-effects or allergies. These years of using it are the guarantee of its proven effectiveness, and this is why its use has become widely popular.

Yet, a few complications may arise:

  • Exceptional complication : worsening of the malar pouch.When the orbicularis muscle is relaxed at crow’s feet level it aggravates the lymphatic stasis and amplifies the malar pouch.
  • Slight complication :
    • An eyebrow slips: if the practitioner does not recognize the wrinkle to be treated and injects a compensatory wrinkle instead of the expression line, then the eyebrow slips and shuts off the regard.
    • The Mephisto look/effect: the eyebrow head drops and the tail is hyper-elevated. The Mephisto look is easily corrected, a week later, during an adjustment. My expertise ensures the result is natural for my patients in all circumstances.

Dr Bernard Hayot

Dr Bernard Hayot

Article rédigé par le Dr Bernard Hayot

Spécialisé dans la chirurgie des paupières et formé par les pionniers américains de la chirurgie oculoplastique, je propose des interventions uniques et calibrées pour chaque patient. Mon activité se partage à égalité entre chirurgie et médecine esthétique. Mes patients souhaitent de plus en plus des actes légers, sans suites visibles, mais aussi et surtout des résultats naturels, ne laissant pas deviner l’intervention.

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